Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Cry In The Night, by Mary Higgins Clark

Jenny is a divorced mother of two young girls, working at an art gallery in New York. She meets artist Erich Krueger at a gallery showing of his work, where everyone notices that Jenny looks just like the painting of Erich's deceased mother, Caroline. Erich & Jenny begin dating & become engaged within a few weeks. When Jenny marries Erich less than a month after they meet, she & the girls move to Erich's large home in Minnesota. Jenny soon realizes disturbing things about Erich, especially his obsession with his late mother. Erich becomes more & more possessive & controlling, and Jenny plans an escape back to New York with her girls, but instead, Erich takes the girls away with him and leaves Jenny in the house alone, not knowing where he has taken them or when they'll be back. A scandal involving Erich's artwork erupts, and when Erich is returning home, Jenny realizes that he is far more disturbed than even she realized. She is worried for her children's safety. Jenny's life is threatened when Erich returns home, but with help from her neighbors, her terror comes to an end.

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