Monday, October 26, 2009

Black Hills, by Nora Roberts

Lil Chance met Cooper Sullivan one summer when he came from New York to spend the summer with his grandparents in South Dakota, when she was just 11. They became good friends and saw each other almost every year until she was age 20. By then there was a romance between them, but Cooper broke it off while trying to finish school and make his way for himself. But not before Lil found a body in the Black Hills. Twelve years later, Lil has created The Chance Wildlife Refuge, where cougars, tigers and other animals are kept and cared for. Cooper comes back to live with and help his grandparents and he and Lil start to see each other around again. Someone kills a cougar that Lil was tracking, and other things start to happen, among them a trail hiker being killed and found in the river. Cooper, being an ex-private investigator, digs around & they narrow their search for the killer down to a guy who once volunteered at the refuge, named Ethan. Ethan believes he is Sioux Indian and is after Lil. With the help of Coop, and a cougar named Baby, the hunt comes to an end.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Shining, by Stephen King

Jack Torrance, with his wife and 5-year-old boy, Danny, go to stay the winter in the old Overlook Hotel in the snowy Colorado mountains. Jack has the job of caretaker there until the following spring, as it is shut down for the winter. Danny has a special "sixth sense" going on, and can see people or things that happened there many years before, such as a dead woman in the bathtub of one of the rooms. Jack was once a violent alcoholic, but had been sober quite some time before coming to the Overlook. Jack starts seeing things too, and though there is no alcohol at the hotel, he falls into a "drunken" state at times after the family has been there awhile. He begins hallucinating and people from the hotel's past convince Jack that he should hurt his family. Without revealing more, I can say the scary ending turns out better for Danny & his mother than it does for Jack. I have seen the movie for this book a few times before reading it. Parts of the story, especially near the ending, are a bit different than in the movie.